It's that time of the year again. Retailers have already created their hot toys 2013 lists. The question is how do we score the toys on the list. Every time during this part of the year, parents have to scramble to find the season's most wanted toys. So far there isn't one single toy that everyone wants.  Still, it is going to be hard to find some of the most popular items this year. Here are some tips for scoring the newest Furby or Elmo toy without having to pay extra.

One of the most obvious tips is to begin your shopping as early as possible. Retailers try to predict demand and don't want to be stuck with toys that don't sell. Most likely the hottest toys will be hard to come by if you wait until December. The trouble is that most people wait too long to buy toys because they are waiting for deals. By then all of the toys are taken. Once Halloween is over it is really time to start creating your holiday list.

If you plan in advance you might even be able to reserve some of the hot toys. Take advantage of the layaway programs that allow you to pay in smaller chunks without interest. Toysrus is actually letting people reserve the hottest toys with their reservation system that ends on Halloween day.

More and more shoppers are shopping online because it removes all the hassle of waiting in long lines. There are plenty of sites that are making recommendations on what the hottest toys are. Also, check out Facebook and Twitter as chances are if you are looking for a toy someone else is as well. One of these easiest places to buy toys is on Amazon. Just be sure Amazon is selling to merchandise not someone of the marketplace who has raised the price. Large retailers like Amazon tend to sell out often so just wait till they get restocked.

You don't have to go running from one store to the next. Now you can check whether a store has something in stock online. If the store doesn’t have the item in stock, some stores also let you order online and have the item shipped to the store.  If you don't want to check online, you can also call the store. If a store is out of stock ask their manager on what day they usually receive their stock. Try to get there as early as possible when they receive their new shipment of toys.  The weekends are usually very busy so try to avoid shopping on them.

A great way to get everything on your list is to engage in social shopping. This means that you give your list of toys to your friends and if they see the toy, they can pick it up for you and you can pay them later.  The idea is that everyone shares their list of toys with everyone else. It's a great way to pick up everything you want.

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